To ensure the safety of students, the attainment of objectives and the smooth running of the courses, the following rules will be strictly implemented. Failure to comply with the rules will mean instant dismissal from the course. The decision of the Ardmháistir is final.

•Riail na Gaeilge: students are expected to speak Irish only, for the duration of the course. All students come to learn and improve their Irish.

•Under no circumstance may any student go swimming, fishing or boating to the seaside or elsewhere except when supervised by college staff.

•Consumption of alcohol or drugs or entry to licensed premises is strictly forbidden.

•Smoking is strictly forbidden as are Aerosols and Deodorant sprays.

•Misbehaviour of any sort will warrant immediate expulsion.

•Students are allowed out of the area of the Coláiste with their parents’ permission only. Notice must be given to the Ardmháistir before leaving.

•Students must be in their lodgings by 10.00 p.m. and lights must be out by 11.00 p.m.

•Bullying is forbidden in all circumstances.

•Students are not allowed to take photos in changing rooms or bedroom areas.

•Colaiste Mhuigheo reserves the right to send students home for breach of its rules. Parent’s must collect students if expelled immediately. If a student is expelled or leaves a course early, no refund or part of is returned.

•A complete list of Rules will be sent to Scolairí before course commences.