Thanks so much. My daughter had an amazing time. She told us that she had the best holidays ever. Pass on huge thank you to all the staff and hosts. Lucy

Go raibh míle, míle maith do gach duine. Bhí an t-am is fearr riamh agam. D’ullmhaigh na ranganna & an comhrá mé don t-ardteist. Máire

My daughter has had an amazing experience in Colaiste Muigheo. She has come home like a new child. She has such a smile on her face and is telling us all about her time with you. I would like to thank you, her bean an ti and all the team involved. She seems to have an extra layer of confidence about her that she didn’t have leaving. Kate

We are just in the door! Jessica had the time of her life and loved every second and has enjoyed learning Irish which is a huge success. Go raibh maith agat to you and your Team for giving her an experience and memories to last a life time and most important a confidence and love for Gaeilge. Sign her up for next year. Go raibh maith agat milliúin uair. Sharon & Kevin

Thank you so much, Beck had the best time, wants to go again in fact she wants to stay there. Jack

I wish to thank you sincerely for the wonderful experience I enjoyed with your staff. A special thank you for the family I stayed with.  It was my first time away on my own and I really enjoyed it. Brian

My daughter has just finished her course. She had a truly wonderful time and the memories will stay with her for many years to come. Thank you for providing such a positive environment for young people from all over. Once again, thank you for providing such a great course. Neil

My daughter had a brilliant time in Ceathrú Thaidhg in Colaiste Mhuigheo… .she was only sorry it was over so soon .. she really wanted to stay longer…..and is regretful 6th year is finally  here and her last Gaeltacht experience . She has made many wonderful memories and new friends at Colaiste Mhuigheo and thoroughly enjoyed her Irish classes too, especially her classes with Alex (to her a big big thank you)….she said she learned loads !   Thank you for facilitating learning with fun. The great experience these youngsters have had these last 2 weeks has been brilliant for them especially with learning having been disrupted by Covid these last 2 yearsShauna